Monday, November 06, 2006

Study Guide #1 Answers

Study Guide: The Awakening
Due: October 27, 2006
Chapters I – IV - We’ll listen to Ch. 1 in class. When you are answering questions, make sure to cite quotes from the novel that support your answer.

Identify the following characters:
Edna Pontellier – protagonist, young wife and mother, in the process of self-discovery

Leonce Pontellier – Edna’s husband, staid, self-involved, expects his wife’s life to revolve around him

Etienne – the Pontellier children
Raoul – same as above

Robert Lebrun – handsome, attentive to women

Madame Lebrun – widow, owns vacation cottages on Grand Isle

Adele Ratignolle – Edna’s loyal friend, exemplifies, wife and mother of the late 1890’s

What is the initial setting of the novel and why are the characters there? Grand Isle off the coast of New Orleans; summer vacation

Describe the relationship between Leonce and Edna Pontellier. Cite specific examples from the text to support your answer.
Leonce views Edna as his personal property, wants her to fit his standards of an ideal wife and mother, and thinks she doesn’t show enough interest in things that concern him. He does love her and is generous with gifts. Edna realizes he is good to her. She tries to fill the typical role of wife and mother but is frustrated and often lonely and depressed.

What is Leonce’s opinion of his wife’s mothering skills? On what does he base this opinion? He doesn’t think she is a good mother because she doesn’t flutter about, protecting her children from harm, but expects them to be independent. If one of the boys falls, he picks himself up rather than run to Edna for comfort.

Contrast Edna Pontellier and Adele Ratignolle. Which one fits the conventional pattern of a woman in this era? Why? Edna expects her children to be self-sufficient, does not want to spend her summer sewing, and is rather disinterested in her husband’s concerns. Adele: beautiful, constantly sewing for her children, hovers over her children, and adores her husband.

Explain the relationship between Edna and Robert. What would you infer to be Robert’s expectations?
They have become good friends. Robert is attentive and considerate; Edna enjoys the attention and the rapport of their conversations.
Chapters V – VII

What is Robert Lebrun’s “role” on Grand Isle? Each summer for the past 11 years, he has devoted his attentions to a specific young girl, widow, or a married woman. Neither he nor the lady will take the relationship seriously, but both enjoy the time they spend together.

Explain the simile, “Mrs. Pontellier liked to gaze at her fair companion as she might look upon a faultless Madonna”. Edna is fascinated by Robert’s youthfulness and his handsome appearance. She views him as faultless, much as the Madonna is pure and faultless.

Explain the dual life Edna feels she has always lived. How do you think this will affect her role as wife and mother?
Even as a child, she lived a dual life of outward conformity but inward questioning. She is just beginning to discover who she really is.

Explain the effect the sea has on Edna and her childhood memory the sea triggers.

Edna is drawn to the solitude of the sea. The water reminds her of a meadow in Kentucky through which she walked as a little girl and her desire to walk in this “sea” forever.

How do Edna Pontellier and Adele Ratignolle interact? They have loving rapport in their relationship. Edna is drawn to Adele’s beauty and her openness. They share memories of their childhood, and Edna tells Adele things she tells no one else.

Why did Edna marry Leonce? Explain why you do or do not think this is a good foundation for marriage? Because he fell in love with her, he pleased her and was devoted to her, and she thought they shared the same thoughts and tastes

Why did Edna’s father and sister oppose her marriage to Leonce? Because Leonce is Catholic

How does Edna feel about Leonce and their marriage? How does she feel about her role as a mother? She is fond of Leonce but feels her marriage has no passion; she loves her children but doesn’t feel that Fate has suited her for motherhood; sometimes she expresses love for them and other times she forgets them

Prediction: Will Adele influence Edna to become a better wife and mother?

Chapters VIII – XI

Why does Adele ask Robert to leave Edna alone? What is his response? Edna is not Creole like Robert and Adele and might take Robert seriously; Robert wishes someone would take him seriously
What do you think the two lovers and the lady in black symbolize? Two lovers: carefree life before marriage; lady in black: solitude and loneliness of widows of this era

Who are the Farival twins and what is their role in the novel? 14 year old girls who were dedicated to the Virgin Mary when they were born; Their innocence, talent, and willingness to entertain others represent the accepted behavior of young girls of this era

Describe Madame Reisz. No longer young, disagreeable, quarrels with almost everyone, homely with a small wrinkled face and body and glowing eyes, wears rusty black lace with a bunch of artificial violets in her hair, excellent pianist

Explain the effects of Adele’s and Mlle. Reisz’s piano playing on Edna. Why do you think the music affects her this way?
Adele’s evokes mental images of people in various actions, gives Edna a sense of solitude. Mlle Reisz’s: sends tremors down Edna’s spine and arouses passions in her soul, causing her to tremble and weep
Why is Edna’s swim in the ocean important to her? How does it affect her? After trying but failing all summer to learn to swim, this is the first time she does so. She is delighted and wants to swim far out where no woman has ever been. She sees a vision of death when she realizes how far she has swum but is able to return to shore

Explain the “battle of wills” in which Edna and Leonce engage after her swim. She refuses to cater to Leonce’s wishes for her to come in with him, then when she is ready to go in, he refuses to do so. They reach an impasse when neither will give in to the other.

Prediction: Will Edna and Leonce be able to reconcile their differences?

Chapters XII – XIV

Why do Edna and Robert go to the island of Cheniere? Who else is on the excursion?
They plan to attend church there; the lady in black, the lovers, the Spanish girl Mariequita

Why does Robert take Edna to Madame Antoine’s? Why is this significant?
Edna becomes ill in church; Robert and Edna are alone and have more freedom to express themselves to each other; Edna sleeps soundly because she is at peace emotionally, and they return to Grand Isle after the others.

How does Leonce react when Edna and Robert fail to return from Cheniere with the others? What do you think this reveals about him?
At first he is concerned but then goes to Klein’s and doesn’t return until late.
Why do you think Robert does not stay with Edna after they return from Cheniere?
Suggestion: He is tired of her or he realizes he is falling in love with her but she is another man’s wife.
Prediction: What will develop in the relationship between Edna and Robert? The relationship between Edna and Leonce?
Chapters XV – XVI

What does Edna learn about Robert’s plans? How does he explain his decision? How does she react?
He is going to Mexico; he has said all along he was going some day; becomes irritable and restless; Edna stays nervously busy changing her clothes and rearranging her hair

What is Robert’s response when Edna tells him she had hoped to continue their friendship after they return to New Orleans? What do you think this implies about him?
“Perhaps that’s the-“; implies that he is leaving because he is falling in love with her and can’t continue to be just a friend.

What effect does Robert’s departure have on Edna? How does she deal with her emotions? Cries and feels the same kind of infatuation she felt when she was younger; feels the brightness and meaning have left her life; deals with her emotions by swimming and going to Madame Lebrun’s to look at pictures of Robert

Contrast Edna’s feelings for Leonce with her feelings for Robert. Leonce: respects and appreciates his work for the family; Robert: loves him and longs to be with him

Explain what you think Edna’s statement to Adele means: “I would give up the unessential; I would give my money, I would give my life for my children; but I wouldn’t give myself.”
Edna loves her children and would give everything she has, including her life, for them but she will never sacrifice herself, i.e., her freedom and her right to live her own life, for her children

The Awakening Study Guide #3

The Awakening Study Guide #3

Chapters XXV – XXVIII

What is Arobin’s first overt step in seducing Edna? How does Edna initially react?
Escorts her home alone after an evening at Mrs. Highcamp’s; asks to enter her home for a second to light a cigarette, then leaves. Edna’s reaction: feels neither tired nor sleepy, is hungry, restless, and excited, wants something to happen but doesn’t know what, regrets that she didn’t ask him to stay a half hour and talk about the races

Describe the changes in Edna’s relationship with Arobin. He calls for Edna alone to go to the races, stays to dine with her when he takes her home, they begin to share confidences and sympathy, and he awakens her desire. She sends him away because he is too intense, but he sways her emotions through his apologies and adoration. They begin to see each other almost every day. He kisses her, they become intimate.

What does Edna mean when she says, “What would he think?” after her sexual response to Arobin? She feels like a woman who is drawn into adultery. She refers to what Robert, not Leonce, would think.

Explain Edna’s decision about her house, her rationale for the decision, and Mlle. Resiz’s response. What is Edna’s real reason for the move? She decides to leave the Pontelliers’ big house and live alone in a small house. Rationale: Edna is tired of running the big house and having to deal with the servants; Mlle’s Reisz’s response: knows Edna is lying and wants to know the real reason; Edna’s reason: the house and the money belong to her husband, not her; she wants freedom and independence; she resolves never again to belong to anyone other than herself.

What two things does Mlle. Reisz reveal to Edna about Robert? How does Edna respond? Rober never writes to Edna because he loves her; he is returning to New Orleans. Edna’s response: admits she loves Robert but can’t explain why; is happy to be alive because Robert is returning

What could Mlle. Reisz mean by her caution to Edna: “The bird that would soar above the level plain of tradition and prejudice must have strong wings”? Edna is the bird who is attempting to soar above traditions; she must be strong enough to withstand the pressure or it will someday destroy her

Chapters XXIX – XXXII

Why is Edna’s house called the “pigeon house”? What does she feel the move will do for her? Explain why you think she will be happier or less happy there? House is small and looks like a pigeon house; feels it will cause her to descend to a lower social scale but rise to a higher spiritual level, will give her independence and freedom

Why does Edna host a dinner party at the Pontelliers’ large house? Explain Edna’s feelings the night of her dinner party. As one final grand event in her big house; feels bored and hopeless in spite of lively discussion and excellent food, longs to be with Robert

How does Leonce react to Edna’s move to the pigeon house? Why? What does he do in an effort to control the damage he feels Edna is causing to the family? Writes her a letter of disapproval and protest; concerned about what people will say; contacts an architect to begin plans for remolding the Pontelliers’ house and sends a notice to the newspaper that Mr. and Mrs. Pontellier will take a summer trip abroad while their house is remolded

Chapters XXXIII – XXXV

Explain the conversation about Arobin between Adele and Edna at the pigeon house. Adele cautions Edna to be careful about living alone and, in a veiled reference to Arobin, tells Edna his dreadful reputation could ruin Edna’s name. Edna questions Adele whether or not Arobin boasts about his conquests; Adele responds that he doesn’t boast but everyone knows his reputation. Adele is concerned for Edna; Edna is concerned that Arobin might be boasting about their affair.

How do Edna and Robert first meet after his return to New Orleans? How does this first meeting end? They meet accidentally when Edna is waiting for Mlle. Reisz to return to her apartment and Robert comes there. Robert accompanies her home and stays for dinner, he sees a picture of Arobin, Edna quizzes him about a Mexican girl, Arobin comes, and Robert leaves

Why do you think Robert continues to call Edna “Mrs. Pontellier”? He is concerned about social conventionalities and still views Edna as Mr. Pontellier’s wife

Explain the different expectations Edna and Robert have about their reunion. Which path do you think they will eventually take? Edna loves Robert, believes he loves her, and thinks they will be free to pursue their love because she is now in her own house. Robert still views her as a married woman and the mistress of the big Pontellier house; he will not have an affair with another man’s wife

Why do you think Edna again becomes intimate with Arobin even though she loves Robert? She loves Robert and expects him to come. When Arobin comes instead of Robert, he fills her need for sexual gratification

Chapters XXXVI – XXXIX

Where do Edna and Robert again meet? How do they react to each other? In a garden restaurant; Edna tries to be indifferent but can’t remain that way in his presence. He goes back to the pigeon house with her, he responds to her passionate kiss, takes her in his arms, confesses his love for her, and tells her he went to Mexico to avoid her. They reveal their true feelings and expectations for each other

Why does Edna leave Robert after this reunion? She had promised Adele to be with her during childbirth, and Adele sends for her

What does Adele beg Edna to do? What effect do you think this will have on Edna? “Think of your children, Edna. Remember them!”

What does Edna tell Dr. Mandelet after the birth of Adele’s child? How does this affect her? That she has periods of despondency and suffering, that she wants her own way but doesn’t want to trample on the lives of her children

Explain Edna’s insight into her future during the sleepless night after Robert leaves. What is her ultimate decision? Why? She realizes she will drift from one affair to another and must protect Raoul and Etienne from the disgrace of their mother’s infidelities. She knows her love for Robert will fade and she will be alone. As long as she lives, she cannot sacrifice herself for anyone, even her children. Decision: suicide, because that is the only way to elude her children’s demands and to protect them

How does Edna “stage” her death? Why do you think she returns to Grand Isle to do so?
Returns to Grand Isle on the pretext of needing a rest; tells Victor she is going for a swim and will return for dinner. Grand Isle is where she met Robert and began her awakening; this is where it will end.

Explain the personification of the sea and what it symbolizes to Edna. The seductive voice of the sea invites Edna’s soul into solitude. To Edna, the sea symbolizes solitude and peace; it has no beginning and no end and will provide Edna the nothingness she

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Awakening Answers XVII - XXIV

The Awakening
Due: Monday, Oct 30

Chapters XVII – XIX

In what ways does Edna change after the Pontelliers’ return to New Orleans?
Breaks the accepted practice of receiveing visitors every Tuesday, does what she wants when she wants doesn’t take life as seriously, doesn’t allow Leonce’s rebukes to make her unhappy; becomes insolent toward Leonce and wants him to leave her alone, neglects her household duties

How does Leonce react to the changes in Edna? Why? What do you think this reveals about him? He is greatly distressed by her refusal to receive visitors on Tuesday, is shocked by her disregard of her duties and wonders if she is becoming mentally unbalanced. He becomes rude and leaves her alone, often dining at his club. Reason: Leonce is afraid of negative public opinion and loss of business contacts if the Pontelliers do not observe expected customs. He values his material possessions and public opinion more than the emotional health of his wife.

Why does Edna resume her art? Why does she reveal this to Adele? She believes she needs to work again; seeks and receives Adele’s advice, approval, and encouragement

Will Edna become a famous artist? Answers will vary

Chapters XX – XXII

After Edna’s return to New Orleans, why does she search for Mlle. Reisz? How does she find her? She wants to hear her play the piano; goes to Madame Lebrun’s to find out where Mlle. Reisz lives

Why is Edna despondent when she hears news of Robert from Madame Lebrun?
He has sent no message for her.

What does Mlle. Reisz reveal to Edna about Robert? She has had a letter from him; the letter is filled with “Mrs. Pontellier” from beginning to end.

What does Mlle. Reisz tell Edna an artist must have? Do you think Edna will have this attribute? A courageous soul

Describe Victor Lebrun. How is he different from Robert? Dark, good-looking, rude, haughty and impetuous; verbally attacks the black maid; brags about his female conquests; His bragging is a direct contrast to Robert’s sense of respectability
Characterize Mlle. Reisz, based on the reactions of others and the way the author portrays her. Eccentric, disagreeable, unpopular, unconcerned about public opinion, loves her piano and music more than anything else, never changes her appearance based on the grocer’s statement, Edna’s disagreeable first impression, and the author’s description of her appearance

How does Edna react to Mlle. Reisz’s piano playing? Why does she react this way? Overwhelmed with emotion, begins to sob, and dampens Robert’s letter with her tears; reacts this way because of Mlle. Reisz’s artistry at the piano and Edna’s emotional state, especially her love and longing for Robert

12. What does Leonce tell Dr. Mandelet about Edna? What does Dr. Mandelet tell him? She seems well physically but doesn’t act well, neglects household duties, has changed her attitude toward him and everyone, drives him to quarrel with her, goes away by herself and returns late at night, is concerned about women’s rights, and they no longer sleep together; Advice: leave her alone for awhile, send her to see him, not to contradict her, not to bother her nor let her bother him

13. Will Dr. Mandelet’s advice to Leonce help the Pontelliers reconcile?

Chapters XIII – XXIV

14. Who is the Colonel? How does Edna react to his visit? Edna’s father, former colonel in the Confederate army; tries to please him and feels she knows him for the first time; takes him all around New Orleans

15. Where does Edna first meet Alcee Arobin? At the horse races

16. How does Edna act when Dr. Mandelet visits the Ponetelliers? What does this reveal to him about her? Excited and radiant; she is involved with another man

17. What advice does the Colonel give Leonce concerning Edna? What does this reveal about the Colonel and his relationship with his own wife? Tells Leonce he is too lenient with Edna and should exert more authority and coercion, as this is the only way to manage a wife; implies that he treated his wife so harshly and arrogantly that he drove her to an early death

18. How does Edna react before and after Leonce leaves for New York? Explain why you think she acts this way. Before: demonstrates “wifely” concern for his health and welfare, looks after his clothing becomes affectionate, remembers his kindness and expressions of love, and cries when he leaves. After: feels relived and peaceful, loves the solitude of the empty house, sleeps extraordinarily well

19. Will Edna join Leonce in New York? Answers will vary